The Rickey Sisters! Where do I even begin!? I first discovered them on WeWoreWhat's instagram and immediately thought okay I need to get in their dance class!

For those who may not know I was a competitive dancer my whole life and I miss it every day! Dance has always been such a big part of my life and of my being that when I graduated from college I found myself a little lost without it. It was my form of exercise along with my way of channeling my emotions whether that was happy, sad, frustrated, elated, angry... the list goes on! 

So when I found these girls and found out they were teaching a dance class every week GAME OVER! I was there! I grabbed my best friend Samantha and off we went. I haven't missed a class since! It is such a fun night with such fun choreography, it reminds me of everything that dance use to be! The best word I can describe it is FUN! Each week I look forward to Wednesday nights at Studio B for the best hour of my week. It brings me right back to my happiest times dancing and I can't thank the Rickey Sisters enough. They're two of the kindest people I've met and literally can't say good enough things about them! Or recommend this class enough! HIGHLY RECOMMEND! If you're in the New York City area and just want to have a good time dancing come stop by! You can sign up for the class here

I've included one of my FAVORITE nights at their class! If you're interested in seeing more check out my instagram or the Rickey Sisters obviously! 


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