POPSUGAR Playground
This weekend was POPSUGAR Playground at Pier 94 in NYC and holy bananas where do I begin! The event was on Saturday and Sunday but I only attended the Saturday events. It was a whole convention filled of health, beauty, fashion, and fitness. There were so many different vendors I didn't know where to begin! They had a few workout classes and a ton of panels and speakers! OH and how could I forgot about the slide right in the middle of everything!
Samantha and I went together and of course we went to every vendor there was and got whatever free stuff they gave away! We also bought some stuff ourselves like a dope girl power shirt I got from the brand Luella, the softest sweatpants in the world from aviator nation, which is one of my favorite brands, and a water bottle that says fight like a girl from the brand Manna Hydration. I think the one I got was exclusive to the event but they have a ton of other really cool designs on their site.
Check out my instgram story highlight from all things playground I posted that day!
Samantha and I were able to see some really bad ass women talk all things happiness, beauty, and being your own boss. My favorite panels were Mindy Kaling, Charlotte Tillbury, and Kate Hudson with the Foster Sisters. They were all so inspiring. Mindy Kaling is so cute and it was really inspiring to hear her talk about being a woman in the industry. Charlotte Tillbury was ADORABLE and I loved what she had to say about being confident. She said her mother always told her she was beautiful and she always believed it and never thought anything different! She also said that she even goes to bed with makeup on! She always goes to bed with what she calls "a bedroom eye"!
Kate Hudson's panel was the one that stuck with me the most. The title of the panel was Redefining the Pursuit of Happiness, and Erin and Sara Foster were the moderators. It was right off the bat so fun since the 3 of them are best friends so they have a natural rhythm. Also I'm just slightly obsessed with Erin Foster so I was especially excited to see her. Also just a quick side note they were all GORGEOUS.
Hudson talked a lot about how important female friendships are and I couldn't agree more. I don't know what I would do with my best two girlfriends! Hudson also talked about how woman are so competitive now and that is a learned behavior. By nature women are naturally loving and supportive, that "motherly" quality. It's something that all women need to work towards because being supportive of other women is so incredibly important, especially in the world we live in now. She goes onto say that when we feel those feelings of jealousy or competitiveness with other women we must look at ourselves and our inner happiness and really get to the root of why we feel a certain way about somebody else. She also talked about how she stays optimistic and positive and that it's not always easy. Hudson's words were so inspirational I wish everyone could have the chance to hear her speak about this topic.
All in all I would highly recommend this event to everybody. It was an overall fun, inspiring, and empowering day. This was the inaugural year of it but in my opinion it was super successful so I'm assuming they'll be back next year and you definitely can count me in!