YA'LL I have recently become really into a specific smoothie so I obviously had to share will all my favorite people! 

So I have sort of been on a health kick recently and actually working out more! (and if you know me you know that me working out is totally new!) I'm doing this 6 week program and I'm in week 3 right now. I'm working on a whole blog post about it so stay tuned for that!

So along with my daily workouts I've been ATTEMPTING to eat healthier. Eating healthy all day long is hard for me so I just tell myself it's all about balance! I also find if I start my day with a healthy option I'm more likely to make healthier choices throughout the day. 

  • I got this recipe from Melissa Wood who is just a meditation, workout, health guru goddess! I love her blog for healthy recipes so if you're looking for some too I highly recommend checking out her blog! She also has so great low impact workouts.

This is all about the Spirulina Smoothie though! Spirulina, if you don't know, is a superfood that has incredible health benefits! It is an excellent source of protein thats loaded with essential vitamins and anti aging effects. When I start my morning with one of these smoothies I just feel so much better and energized!

Ingredients : 

  • half cup water
  • half cup coconut water
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup berries (I like strawberries or raspberries)
  • half a pitted date
  • handful of baby spinach
  • half a skinless cucumber (it just tastes better without skin)
  • 1 tbsp of spirulina (I use this one per Melissa Wood's recommendation)
  • a few ice cubes

Just toss all of it into a blender, mix it up for about a minute, and boom ya done! It takes maybe 2 minutes total and you're all set for the morning! 

I'm telling ya it has been such a great way to start my mornings and I don't think you will regret it either! Trust me on this one! Thank you Melissa Wood!

Rebecca PelusoComment