OKAY YA’LL I finally was able to try these vitamins that i’ve had my eye on for a while now. HUM Nutrition! If you’ve never heard of it where have you been!?? You can buy them at Sephora which is (of course) where I first discovered them. I was lucky enough for them to send me a few different ones to try out! Just to clarify this isn’t a sponsored post! I just really liked the products and wanted to share with everyone. They sent me 3 different kinds, Glow Sweet Glow, Beauty zzZz, and the Wing Man Supplement. So basically they sent me vitamins to help with some of the most important things to me. Skincare, avoiding hangovers, and sleeping!!
My favorite by far is the Glow Sweet Glow! Its a delicious vegan gummy in the shape of a heart! SO CUTE! It is a low molecular hyaluronic supplement with vitamin E and C in a unique skin hydration formula. BASICALLY all that means is that its going to help your dry dull skin from the inside out! It gives you that great glow from within look that everyone strives for!
The Wing Man Supplement is my next favorite. This one is great for those nights when you have one too many glasses of wine if ya know what I mean! It really came in handy when I celebrated my cousins 30th birthday this past weekend! It supports liver detox and diminishes the look of dark under eye circles which is something I am CONSTANTLY trying to do! It contains silymarin which is an active compound of milk thistle which supports the health of your liver! It also contains dandelion and artichoke which supports the health of the digestive system. They’re probiotics that help the gut. Literally all of that sounds AMAZING to me and I really have been loving it! I like to take them anytime I remember (lol I need to get better about taking them everyday), but especially any night when I’m drinking! Anything that might help a hangover is good to me!
The last bottle is the Beauty zzZz. Basically its melatonin. So it’s gonna help ya fall asleep so you can get in the full 8 hours! Beauty sleep is very important people! I’m not gonna lie, I actually haven’t had a chance to try this one yet! I need a night to try it when I know the next morning I don’t need to be anywhere on time. Just in case it really helps me sleep I don’t want to sleep through anything important! When I do try it i’ll give you an update on instagram! I you don’t follow me there yet what are you waiting for! I’ll link my instagram here! But in general I am a big fan of melatonin so I can imagine I’ll like this one too!
Let me know if you what other vitamins I should be trying! I’ve linked everything if you want to shop for yourself!